Carson, CA Car Accident Lawyer

Carson, CA Car Accident Lawyer
Douglas D. Shaffer - Personal Injury Lawyer - Manhattan Beach, CA

Best Carson Car Accident Lawyers

Carson, CA Car Accident Attorney

If you have suffered a car accident in Carson, California, you are likely feeling the financial and physical impact that often follows these unfortunate incidents. Medical bills can pile up, you might have to take time off work, and chronic pain can often happen as a result of the accident, making it difficult to focus on rest and recovery. When these situations arise, a Carson car accident lawyer is essential.

At Shaffer Law, we dedicate ourselves to working hard to obtain this compensation for our clients. With care and compassion for the harm you have suffered, we are here to guide you through the claims process and support you in whatever ways we can.

Common Types of Car Accidents in Carson, CA

When it comes to your car accident claim, the most integral aspect of it will be proving the liability or responsibility of the defendant. To successfully do this, the lawyers at Shaffer Law will review the type of collision that you suffered. Some of the most common types of car accidents seen in Carson, California, include the following:

  • Head-On Collisions
  • Rear-End Collisions
  • Side-Swipe Impacts
  • T-Bone Collisions
  • Drunk Driving Collisions
  • Tire Blowouts
  • Speeding Accidents
  • Distracted Driving Accidents
  • Jackknife Accidents
  • Motorcycle Collisions
  • Hit-and-Run Accidents
  • Rideshare Accidents
  • Intersection Accidents

Once your personal injury lawyer understands the kind of accident you suffered and reviews the details and evidence involved, they can make a determination on the negligent behavior of the responsible party or parties.

Why You Should Hire Shaffer Law for Your Carson, CA Car Accident

While legal representation might not be required for personal injury claims, it can make all the difference when it comes to securing a successful outcome. A personal injury attorney has the knowledge and skill necessary to help usher in a positive result for your claim. Managing the legalities of an injury claim can be complicated, and instead of trying to juggle both the court system and your own health and well-being, you can count on Shaffer Law.

For over 30 years, Shaffer Law has been working diligently and fighting aggressively for their personal injury clients. Your case is no different. Our team is here to offer the support you need during this difficult time. Let us handle everything from filing the correct paperwork to negotiating a settlement with the insurance companies involved to representing your case in court if it becomes necessary.

What to Do Following a Carson, CA Car Accident

Finding yourself in the aftermath of a car accident can be a frightening place and your instinct might be to panic. However, there are certain steps you can take to maintain a sense of calm and confidence. These steps will also help your claim should you decide to seek compensation.

  • Call 911: Prior to other steps, check yourself and your passengers for injuries and dial 911. Even if you do not feel hurt or injured, it is prudent to be checked over by medical professionals who can assess whether or not you are suffering from invisible wounds like internal bleeding. It can also help your claim’s legitimacy to have a record of medical assistance.
  • Stay Calm: If you are physically able to, move to the side of the road or out of the way of oncoming traffic and wait for the authorities to show up.
  • Obtain a Police Report: When the police arrive, they will begin to document the scene and write up a report. This report will become essential for your claim, so ensure you explain your side of the story. However, under no circumstance should you admit to any kind of fault.
  • Collect Evidence: If you are physically able to do so, take photos and videos of the scene of the accident, including any applicable road condition, missing or malfunctioning traffic lights or signage, and the positioning of the involved vehicles. Likewise, take photos of the injuries or property damage you suffer.
  • Gather Contact Information: It is important to gather the contact information for the other involved parties along with their insurance information. Do not discuss fault when you do this. You can also gather the contact information for any individual who witnessed the accident.
  • Report to Insurance Company: Get in contact with your insurance company and report the accident to them, including all details of the incident.
  • Consult an Attorney: Call the personal injury attorneys at Shaffer Law for a free consultation, and let us review your auto accident and subsequent injuries in order to build a solid case.


Q: What Is the Average Settlement for a Car Accident in California?

A: In the state of California, it can be difficult to accurately calculate the average amount most settlements end up being for car accident claims. This is due to the fact that there are several factors that can impact the final settlement value. These factors can include the nature of the accident, whether there were any aggravating circumstances, the severity of the injuries sustained, and your attorney’s experience.

Q: What Are Some Common Causes of Car Accidents in California?

A: In the state of California, there is a litany of reasons why a car accident might occur. Common causes of car accidents in the state can include texting and driving, driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol, reckless driving, fatigue, aggressive driving, and distractions such as eating, drinking, grooming, interacting with passengers, and switching radio stations.

Q: What Damages Might I Be Entitled to in a Car Accident in California?

A: In the state of California, there are several damages you might be entitled to following a car accident. These are highly dependent on the exact nature of your accident and the circumstances surrounding it. Common recoverable damages include medical bills, lost wages, the loss of future earning capacity, and non-economic items or things that don’t hold a monetary value, like pain and suffering, mental anguish, and loss of the enjoyment of life.

Q: Who Can I Sue for a Car Accident in California?

A: In the state of California, the party or parties responsible for your injuries can vary. However, depending on the nature and circumstances of the accident, you may be able to file a claim against the negligent driver, a city or municipality, the manufacturer or product designer for your vehicle, the vehicle’s owner, an employer, or repair service.

Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney Today

If you or someone you love has suffered as a result of an auto accident in Carson, California, there is no time to waste. Contact the offices of Shaffer Law today to discuss what options might be available to you. Whatever your circumstances may be, you don’t have to do this alone.

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